Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I just voted.
I had to vote by provisional ballet. I moved in mid-July. I sent in a re-registration/change of address (moved within the county)before the deadline. I don't know why they didn't register me. My wife's change was on the books; mine wasn't.
SOOO, I had to fill out a provisional ballet.
To compound the minor frustration (I live in Deep Blue Jersey, so I'm not too concerned about the timeliness of the vote count. New Jersey will be called for Obama at 8:00 and thirty seconds tonight.)I left my reading glasses at home.
Let's just say that ballet I had to fill out wasn't exactly ADA compliant. The more I struggled with holding the thing out in front of me, the older I felt.
Of course the fact that I went to the poll with my son who voted for the first time was also a reminder of my age, but in a positive way.
No lines at 7 a.m. in my district; steady traffic. The poll worker said there was a sizable line at the door at 6 a.m.
Felt kind of misty reflecting on the day as I walked home. Recalling 4 years ago, after watching the Emminem Mosh video, I wore black hoodie to the polling place that day. Pissed off then; more settled today.
It's a good thing.

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